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A Bold Step Towards Strengthening the Automotive Aftermarket

The Independent Automotive Aftermarket Federation (IAAF) has made significant strides in 2024, introducing a new council and key appointments that promise to reshape the future of the automotive aftermarket industry in the UK. At the forefront of these changes is Kevin Kelly, who has been appointed vice president of the IAAF. Kelly’s leadership is anticipated to drive innovation and advocacy within the sector, fostering a robust and dynamic environment for businesses and professionals.

The New Council

The IAAF’s new council, unveiled at the beginning of the year, is a testament to the organization’s commitment to strengthening leadership and enhancing its strategic vision. The commission comprises industry veterans and new faces, all bringing experience and fresh perspectives. This diverse mix is expected to spearhead initiatives that address current challenges and seize emerging opportunities within the automotive aftermarket​​.

Kevin Kelly’s Vision

Now, vice president Kevin Kelly is no stranger to the automotive industry. With a track record of successful leadership roles, Kelly’s appointment is seen as a strategic move to bolster the IAAF’s influence and effectiveness. His vision includes a strong focus on innovation, sustainability, and collaboration. Kelly aims to build on the IAAF’s legacy while steering it towards new heights by embracing technological advancements and fostering closer ties with stakeholders across the industry​​.

Key Initiatives

Under the new council’s guidance, the IAAF is set to roll out several key initiatives:

  1. Technological Innovation: Emphasizing the adoption of cutting-edge technologies to improve efficiency and service delivery in the aftermarket sector.
  2. Sustainability Practices: Promoting sustainable practices and eco-friendly solutions to address the growing environmental concerns associated with the automotive industry.
  3. Industry Collaboration: Strengthening partnerships with automotive manufacturers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to create a more cohesive and supportive ecosystem.
  4. Advocacy and Policy: Continuing to advocate for policies that benefit the independent aftermarket sector, ensuring fair competition and consumer rights.

Upcoming Events

The IAAF has also announced a series of events to foster community and knowledge sharing within the industry. Notable among these is the inaugural summer conference and networking event at The Belfry, which promises to be a hub of innovation, networking, and strategic discussions​​.


The changes within the IAAF signal a transformative period for the automotive aftermarket sector in the UK. With Kevin Kelly’s leadership and the new council’s strategic vision, the industry is poised for growth and innovation. These developments reinforce the IAAF’s commitment to its members and ensure that the sector remains resilient and adaptable in the face of future challenges.

Stay tuned to see how these initiatives unfold and shape the future of the automotive aftermarket industry.

You can visit the Motor Factor News and Professional Motor Factor websites for more detailed information.

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